发布日期:2025-01-03 18:01 点击次数:123
万科朗拾花语售楼处电话:400-886-2334【预约☎】看房提前来电预约登记,可享特售楼处电话:400-886-2334(预约热线)万科朗拾花语如有问题欢迎来电咨询,专业一对一热情服务,让您用专业眼光去买房。售楼处电话:400-886-2334【售楼热线】营销中心热线400-886-2334售楼处地址400-886-2334,本电话为开发商提供线上售楼电话,楼盘项目全面介绍(包含楼盘详情,最新房价,户型图,容积率,小区配套环境,楼盘简介,售楼处位置,户型图,交通规划,备案价,项目配套,楼盘详情,售楼处电话,最新消息,最新详情,最新进展等详情咨询)免责声明:将文章内容综合来源于网络、只作分享,版权归原作者所有!!如有侵权,请联系我们,我们第一时间处理!定优惠项目信息朗拾花语由中国铁建&万科两大世界500强企业联合开发,并且还采用了两个品牌的主力产品系列:花语系和拾系,联袂构建一座滨水大城。朗拾花语不只是上海万科首个“拾系”,更是融入了中国铁建的中高端改善“花语系”产品,整个项目的产品力十分有保障。售楼处电话:400-886-2334【预约☎】看房提前来电预约登记,可享特定优惠售楼处电话:400-886-2334【预约☎】整个社区有三点,无法超越:天赋上,售楼处电话:400-886-2334【预约☎】社区内部有得天独厚的T型自然水系,围绕“四象合一、向河而生”的空间架构,并营造了滨水景观轴和活力生活轴的十字生态,让整个社区宛若一座水上的自然岛屿,这一点全市都找不到几个。T型自然水系效果图,实际以交付为准滨水景观轴和活力生活轴的十字烟火布局景观上:售楼处电话:400-886-2334【预约☎】因为这得天独厚的天赋,在景观打造上,社区内的景观体系与家门口的水岸滨河景观轴能够相互融合,开发商将自然的水岸植入社区景观营造中,让业主在家门口就能拥有沉浸式的度假风景。在繁华河畔,售楼处电话:400-886-2334【预约☎】打造了一个属于朗拾花语业主的“世外桃源”。社区景观手绘图,实际以交付为准社区内拥有售楼处电话:400-886-2334【预约☎】“入口仪式庭院、静心庭院、水榭林间、童玩乐园、滨水庭院、微风草坪、Mini植物园”等核心景观模块,社区外还有滨水活力轴。滨水活力轴滨水活力轴是通过借景的形式售楼处电话:400-886-2334【预约☎】,与水岸内外连通,两岸轴线分布滨水步道,植入了万物友好理念,可以承载散步、遛狗、休闲等户外生活。整体形成了香樟为口,水杉为墙的社区形态。也就是说,售楼处电话:400-886-2334【预约☎】业主不出社区就能满足日常的锻炼健身,散步,遛狗甚至带娃需求。相比如今小型社区、超高层住宅的层出不穷,这样一个能满足生活大部分需求的滨水社区,真的很少见了。滨水庭院滨水庭院是整个项目更有浓度和体验感的区域。通过对光线、售楼处电话:400-886-2334【预约☎】水系以及各种植物的运用,给业主创造了静谧、舒适的林下空间。有效的将河岸原生水杉等自然美景融入,被自然包裹的阳台以精致现代的花砖铺设,搭配吧台,卡座,打造出繁入静的城市滨水一角。还有一座被木香、售楼处电话:400-886-2334【预约☎】风车茉莉、铁线莲爬满的花廊,让业主可以享受到一个更加生动和多变的户外空间。每天都可以沿着天然水系漫步、坐在沿岸的吧台、卡座内欣赏河岸景色、在繁华的城市中央享受着难得的度假式生活。这样的生活对于寸土寸金的上海而言,太过稀缺和奢侈了。即使是大几千万的豪宅都难以拥有这样的生活。而这就是朗拾花语社区独特天赋与开发商匠心设计结合下的结果。入口仪式庭院售楼处电话:400-886-2334【预约☎】朗拾花语以曼谷湄南河四季酒店为研发蓝本,在城市都心匠造了一处静谧社区。而入口的仪式庭院作为整个社区的第一视角界面,售楼处电话:400-886-2334【预约☎】开发商以对称精致的logo高墙形成夹道的礼仪大门,将繁华喧嚣的城市界面与私享的归家区域划分开来。真正展现了何为:出则繁华入则静谧。静心庭院、水榭林间售楼处电话:400-886-2334【预约☎】这两处空间将大自然的山林溪岸转述为现代的设计语言,形成社区的核心会客场景。一个拥有专属“水岸包厢”会客洽谈区的社区,目前在上海真的很少能见到。局部还设置涌泉点缀,售楼处电话:400-886-2334【预约☎】当有客人来往时,这既是业主身份的体现,也是度假生活的延伸。微风草坪景观不仅仅限于观赏,售楼处电话:400-886-2334【预约☎】而是将其融于生活。就比如朗拾花语的微风草坪,就并不只是观赏的景观。结合架空层,可以形成下沉的草坪包厢,可作为儿童室外的学习阅读场所;或成为室外嬉戏的娱乐空间;甚至是用作社区露营地等,满足各种生活需求。在朗拾花语社区内,能真正让996精英在生活工作和娱乐之间实现平衡。童玩场地在上海几乎每个社区内都有给孩子游乐的区域。但不同的是,售楼处电话:400-886-2334【预约☎】朗拾花语的童玩场地,以自然为灵感,打造了定制的树木及植物形态的游具,搭建形成拾系独一无二的森绿童玩场地。这一点,足以看出开发商的用心。Mini 植物园除了游戏带来的快乐外,售楼处电话:400-886-2334【预约☎】开发商业也希望孩子能在社区内能收获与快乐同在的知识养分。所以,售楼处电话:400-886-2334【预约☎】开发商在小区内部种植了不同种类的植被,以植物认知、结合不同主题的独立景观空间,满足孩子热爱自然的天性探索以及好奇。对于宝爸宝妈而言,这样贴心的社区,也只有朗拾花语了。朗拾花语围绕着水系所打造的七大景观,不仅能满足全龄段业主的生活需求,更能让业主在纷扰的都市生活中,卸下疲惫,享受着度假式生活。在约700万级的市场中,售楼处电话:400-886-2334【预约☎】如此社区难得一见。社区配套上,售楼处电话:400-886-2334【预约☎】整个社区约3500方生活配套沿河而设,有意引入以下生活配套业态:咖啡简餐、便利店、水果店、早餐店、生鲜零售、健身瑜伽、洗衣店、药店等。在“边界消融”中,主动引导业主参与街区生活。同时,“屋檐之下,自然之家”的概念将架空层打造成“家外之家”的生活延伸,实现生活与自然的无缝衔接。还在社区10号楼和4号楼下,建立了户内户外联合,人与人情感链接的“阳光会所”。并模拟未来丰富的社区场景:售楼处电话:400-886-2334【预约☎】打造包括亲子陪伴区、阅读学习区和多功能室,满足不同年龄层和兴趣爱好的社区成员的需求。在朗拾花语,售楼处电话:400-886-2334【预约☎】业主将享受到一个多功能、舒适、便利的社区环境。仪式门厅朗拾花语架空层空间改变了传统架空层空间冰冷的感受,从细节上为业主营造更具仪式感的入户体验,也能与社区园林景观相融合,售楼处电话:400-886-2334【预约☎】成为小区度假生活的延伸。另外,仪式门厅内还与知名书店机构合作,加入了大量专业性的书籍。这对于梅陇年轻高知高智的业主而言,再适合不过了。代际生活(亲子陪伴,售楼处电话:400-886-2334【预约☎】休闲阅读)一个拥有地暖的舒适空间,售楼处电话:400-886-2334【预约☎】孩子们可以在这里交流课业、读绘本刊物、也可以随心所欲的躺着玩乐,释放天性,享受童年。同时又能为工作繁忙的业主,售楼处电话:400-886-2334【预约☎】能有0距离守护孩子、陪伴孩子成长的机会,为小业主的成长保驾护航。沉浸式书吧(第二客厅,学习、阅读)沉浸式书吧就是业主的第二客厅,售楼处电话:400-886-2334【预约☎】和亲子区动静分离。在这里,可以给业主一个舒适安静空间,以更优雅的环境享受生活,阅览着自己心仪的图书。同时,售楼处电话:400-886-2334【预约☎】也设置有整面包含上海属地人文书籍,世界城市地理等书籍的书墙和24小时自动贩卖机,咖啡机,让业主足不出户就能享受颇具书香气息的便捷生活。多功能区(演讲/讨论/生日会)作为生活的载体,售楼处电话:400-886-2334【预约☎】多功能区成为了连接邻里美好的重要纽带,能让亲情与友情,在这里尽情弥漫。周末和家人好友一起相聚楼下架空层,展开一场又一场令人惊喜的讨论会、讲座,聊聊厨艺心得,分享最近心仪的美食,闲话家常,和有相同爱好的邻居成为知己。朗拾花语匠心打造的架空层,通过创造有生活内容和灵魂的空间,让邻里、家人之间有了更多交流的机会,让社区焕发恒久的生命力。建筑上,售楼处电话:400-886-2334【预约☎】朗拾花语的18幢17-26F高层建筑,撷取“斐波那契数列”黄金比例,以疏密有致、高低有序的空间形象,成为梅陇新的城市天际线。而在社区内部,售楼处电话:400-886-2334【预约☎】朗拾花语入户设计采用了安达仕酒店的入口手法,打造出一个宏伟入户大堂,搭配金属格栅、精致灯具等,中轴对称的布局,无不透露出一种雅奢的意境。同时,售楼处电话:400-886-2334【预约☎】地上地下的双精装大堂的设计,采用鎏金色的门厅设计单元入户门头、采用太古黑石材和绿色奢石等材料点缀的入户大堂内部。朗拾花语在建筑层面的审美、材料以及细节程度,是不留余力的。这个社区在产品力上,即使放进大几千万的市场中,都是非常具有竞争力的。何况项目只是一个约700万级的新房,同级别真的是少有对手的存在。产品方面,售楼处电话:400-886-2334【预约☎】朗拾花语四期加推380套建面约64-122㎡3房产品。项目在户型方面的设计,可谓是匠心十足。尤其是项目主力约92-95㎡的3房产品,对于年轻的高知高智购房者而言,更是上车的优选户型:年轻人的需求多种多样。两人世界或单身时:售楼处电话:400-886-2334【预约☎】不需要那么多的房间,而是需要更大的尺度感,用以朋友间的聚会,或是满足自身瑜伽、健身、花艺艺术创作等需求。有了孩子或是跟爸妈同住时:则需要3房带来的实用性。但为了某一个时间段的需求大费周章的换房,显然对于年轻人而言负担过重了。而朗拾花语考虑到了这一点,售楼处电话:400-886-2334【预约☎】所以在建面约92㎡的户型中,打造了一个灵动空间。当需要尺度感时,可以3房变2房,打造了一个拥有宽绰大横厅的房子,承载更多的生活想象。当需要实用性时,3房带来的实用性可以满足从一家三口到三代同堂的全生命周期需求。在加上可以放下双开门冰箱的S墙设计、全卧室带飘窗等户型优势。不夸张的说,这就是目前全上海更适合年轻人上车的户型。售楼处电话:400-886-2334【预约☎】板块信息万科中铁建·朗拾|花语位于闵行梅陇镇,属于梅陇新中心的核心位置,外郊环间,在区位上有一定优势,通过15号线串联,售楼处电话:400-886-2334【预约☎】可快速直达漕河泾、徐家汇、人民广场、陆家嘴、紫竹高新区等核心板块!四轨交环绕的闵行新中心上海西南更高能级的新枢纽!在1773年出版的《国富论》中有一句话:财富来源于交易。所以对于城市区域经济来说,售楼处电话:400-886-2334【预约☎】使财富更大化的更有效手段,就是完善一个便利的交通网络,提升效率创造交易机会。比如在上海,我们印象中“富裕”的好地段往往就是交通便利的地方。最贵的黄浦区,居于城市中心,四通八达去哪都方便;徐家汇之所以能成为副中心中唯一一个中央活动区,1、9、11号线是更大的功臣;世纪大道被浦东朋友奉为地段巨擘,很大原因在于它有2、4、6、9号线四轨交汇。综上所述,售楼处电话:400-886-2334【预约☎】想要富先修路!要判断上海哪个板块更有潜力,看它交通路况的完善程度就能一清二楚。而四轨交环绕的闵行新中心,是上海西南继徐家汇之后的又一个节点性板块。整个上海西南的财富,也终于迎来了新的聚集锚点。闵行新中心未来将会有4条轨道交通线经过,分别是15、19、23号线以及机场联络线。其中,售楼处电话:400-886-2334【预约☎】15号线虹梅南路站距离朗拾花语步行仅约400米上车后1站即是华泾西站。5站到上海南站,6站到漕河泾;同站还可以与19号线换乘,直通前滩、上海世博园区;还有机场联络线华泾站,机场联络线是上海首条市域铁路,该线路时速达160公里,可极大的缩短上海虹桥、浦东两座机场,以及上海虹桥火车站、上海南站、上海东站三座火车站之间的距离,可实现空铁直通。未来居住在机场联络线站点旁,不管您是通勤市区,还是想去往长三角或者国外度过不一样周末,都是更方便的。这是上海新的烫金大动脉!最后,售楼处电话:400-886-2334【预约☎】还有23号线华泾路站(建设中)这条轨交也能与19号线换乘,未来将连通徐汇滨江,直达上海体育场;可以看到,这四条轨交为闵行新中心串联起了2大机场、3大高铁站、多个千亿产业区,还有徐家汇、徐汇滨江以及前滩这样的城市CBD。一方面,售楼处电话:400-886-2334【预约☎】这会为业主未来生活提供更加便捷的出行方式。另外一方面,售楼处电话:400-886-2334【预约☎】通过轨交,未来这个片区将聚集大量高薪置业人口,这些人口对于衣食住行的需求,对于区域的招商引资有着较大的作用。这是闵行未来的中心,一座更具想象力的超级城市枢纽。朗拾花语所在的梅陇新中心就是其中之一。该综合体以TOD理念打造功能无缝衔接的综合枢纽,售楼处电话:400-886-2334【预约☎】沿景洪路两侧打造约120米城市高地,沿春申塘打造滨水地标,优化基础教育和公共服务布局。其中,商业商办量约47.61万平方米,绿地总面积约24.37公顷,形成集聚商业服务、总部办公、品质居住、文化休闲的功能高地。根据规划,梅陇板块主要将包括22幅经营性用地,其中15幅为商办混合用地,总建筑面积约147万㎡;另外7幅为住宅用地,总建筑面积约38万㎡。梅陇新中心采用的是“TOD“的开发模式,结合公共空间,打造独具特色的15分钟生活样板区。地铁、学校、商场等等都在“步行系统”里得到满足,这是城市“慢生活”的重要铺垫。除此之外,朗拾花语北侧还有梅陇华鑫天地。这是上海首个镇级工业园区转型城市更新落地项目。规划有研发花园总部、高标商务中心、园区商业中心、园区会议中心、园区人才公寓、社区邻里中心、研发标准办公,预计2023年一期建成。而与朗拾花语1站之隔的华泾西站上盖的是约81.28万方的“华之门”项目,超过新鸿基徐家汇中心ITC中心(建面约58万㎡)。与朗拾花语1站之差的机场联络线华泾站上盖:用地面积约139.4万㎡,地上总开发规模约67.5万㎡,其中商办面积达到了约47.8万㎡,未来也将成为热门商业地标。与朗拾花语2站之差北杨人工智能小镇:总规模约100万㎡,将建成具有全球影响力的人工智能产业生态集聚区、人工智能全域应用的示范区以及国际化智能产城融合区。也就是说,在闵行新中心、朗拾花语周边2站地铁覆盖范围内,一共有4座庞大的城市TOD,超百万方的商业、办公体量甚至超越了徐家汇。这样的一座城市枢纽,会成为比肩徐家汇的上海西南新中心。而现在,就有一个低预算就能轻松上车的机会就摆在您的面前。朗拾花语,或许约600万级上车闵行新中心,就位于虹梅南路旁、TOD梅陇新中心区域内。万科朗拾花语售楼处电话:400-886-2334【预约☎】看房提前来电预约登记,可享特售楼处电话:400-886-2334(预约热线)万科朗拾花语如有问题欢迎来电咨询,专业一对一热情服务,让您用专业眼光去买房。万科朗拾花语售楼处电话:400-886-2334【售楼热线】营销中心热线400-886-2334售楼处地址400-886-2334,本电话为开发商提供线上售楼电话,楼盘项目全面介绍(包含楼盘详情,最新房价,户型图,容积率,小区配套环境,楼盘简介,售楼处位置,户型图,交通规划,备案价,项目配套,楼盘详情,售楼处电话,最新消息,最新详情,最新进展等详情咨询)免责声明:将文章内容综合来源于网络、只作分享,版权归原作者所有!!如有侵权,请联系我们,我们第一时间处理!定优惠Vanke Langshi Flower LanguageSales Office Phone: 400-886-2334 [Appointment] ☎】Call in advance to make an appointment and register for viewing, and you can enjoy the special sales office hotline: 400-886-2334 (reservation hotline)If you have any questions, please feel free to call us for consultation. Our professional one-on-one and enthusiastic service allows you to buy a house with a professional perspective.Sales Office Hotline: 400-886-2334 [Sales Hotline] Marketing Center Hotline: 400-886-2334 Sales Office Address: 400-886-2334. This phone number provides developers with an online sales phone number and a comprehensive introduction to the real estate project (including details of the real estate, the latest house prices, layout, plot ratio, supporting environment of the community, introduction to the real estate, location of the sales office, layout plan, transportation planning, filing price, project supporting facilities, real estate details, sales office phone number, latest news, details, latest progress, etc.)Disclaimer: The article content is sourced from the internet and is only for sharing. The copyright belongs to the original author!! If there is any infringement, please contact us and we will handle it as soon as possible! Set a discountProject InformationLangshi Huayu is jointly developed by two Fortune Global 500 companies, China Railway Construction and Vanke, and also adopts the main product series of two brands: Huayu and Shixi, to jointly build a waterfront city. Langshi Huayu is not only Shanghai Vanke's first "Huayu series", but also integrates China Railway Construction's mid to high end improved "Huayu series" products, ensuring the product strength of the entire project.Sales Office Phone: 400-886-2334 [Appointment] ☎】Call in advance to make an appointment and register for viewing, and you can enjoy specific discountsSales Office Phone: 400-886-2334 [Appointment] ☎】There are three points in the entire community that cannot be surpassed:In terms of talent, the sales office phone number is 400-886-2334. [Appointment] ☎】 There is a unique T-shaped natural water system within the community, which revolves around the spatial structure of "four elements in one, born towards the river", and creates a cross ecology of waterfront landscape axis and dynamic life axis, making the entire community like a natural island on water, which is rare in the whole city. T-shaped natural water system rendering, actual delivery based cross shaped fireworks layout for waterfront view axis and vitality life axisLandscape: Sales Office Phone: 400-886-2334 [Appointment] ☎】 Due to this unique talent, in terms of landscape design, the landscape system within the community can be integrated with the waterfront landscape axis at the doorstep. The developer has incorporated the natural waterfront into the community landscape design, allowing homeowners to have an immersive vacation scenery at their doorstep.On the bustling riverbank, sales office phone number: 400-886-2334 [reservation] ☎】 Created a "paradise" belonging to the owners of Langshi Huayu. Community landscape hand drawn drawings, actual delivery shall prevailThere is a sales office in the community, with phone numbers: 400-886-2334. [Appointment] ☎】 Entrance Ceremony Courtyard, Meditation Courtyard, Water Pavilion Forest, Children's Play Park, Waterfront Courtyard, Breeze Lawn Core landscape modules such as Mini Botanical Garden, as well as waterfront vitality axes outside the community.Waterfront Vitality AxisThe waterfront vitality axis is achieved through borrowing scenery. The sales office phone number is 400-886-2334. [Appointment] ☎】, Connected to the waterfront both inside and outside, the waterfront walkway is distributed along the axis of both banks, incorporating the concept of a friendly environment for all things. It can accommodate outdoor activities such as walking, walking dogs, and leisure. The community has formed a community form with camphor trees as the mouth and sequoia trees as the walls.That is to say, the sales office phone number is 400-886-2334 [reservation] ☎】 Owners can meet their daily exercise, fitness, walking, dog walking, and even childcare needs without leaving the community. Compared to the proliferation of small communities and super high-rise residential buildings nowadays, such a waterfront community that can meet most of life's needs is really rare.Waterfront courtyardThe waterfront courtyard is a more concentrated and experiential area for the entire project.By contacting the lighting department and sales office at 400-886-2334 for reservation ☎】 The use of water systems and various plants creates a quiet and comfortable understory space for homeowners.Effectively integrating the natural beauty of the riverbank, such as the native water fir, the balcony wrapped in nature is laid with exquisite modern tiles, paired with a bar counter and seating, creating a bustling and tranquil urban waterfront corner.There is also a building called Muxiang and the sales office phone number is 400-886-2334. [Appointment] ☎】 The flower corridor filled with windmill jasmine and iron wire lotus allows homeowners to enjoy a more vivid and diverse outdoor space. Every day, you can take a stroll along the natural water system, sit at the bar along the coast, enjoy the riverside scenery in the booth, and enjoy a rare vacation style life in the bustling city center. This kind of life is too scarce and luxurious for Shanghai, where every inch of land is precious. Even a mansion worth millions of dollars is difficult to have such a life.And this is the result of the unique talent of the Langshi Huayu community combined with the ingenious design of the developers.Entrance Ceremony CourtyardSales Office Phone: 400-886-2334 [Appointment] ☎】 Based on the Four Seasons Hotel on the Mekong River in Bangkok, Langshi Huayu has created a tranquil community in the city's heart.The ritual courtyard at the entrance serves as the first perspective interface of the entire community, and the sales office phone number is 400-886-2334 [reservation] ☎】 The developer creates a ceremonial gate with symmetrical and exquisite logo walls, separating the bustling city interface from the private home area.What truly demonstrates is: prosperity when exiting, tranquility when entering. Quiet courtyard, water pavilions and forestsSales Office Phone: 400-886-2334 [Appointment] ☎】 These two spaces transform the natural mountains, forests, streams, and shores into modern design languages, forming the core visitor scenes of the community. A community with exclusive "waterfront private rooms" for meeting and negotiating guests is rarely seen in Shanghai at present.Some areas are also decorated with springs, and the sales office phone number is 400-886-2334. [Appointment] ☎】 When guests come and go, it is not only a reflection of the owner's identity, but also an extension of vacation life. Breeze lawnLandscape is not limited to sightseeing, sales office phone number: 400-886-2334 [reservation] ☎】 But integrate it into life.For example, the gentle breeze lawn of Langshi Flower Language is not just an ornamental landscape.Combined with an elevated layer, a sunken lawn compartment can be formed, which can serve as an outdoor learning and reading place for children; Or become an outdoor entertainment space for play; Even used as a community camping site to meet various living needs.In the Langshi Huayu community, it is possible to truly achieve a balance between life, work, and entertainment for 996 elites. Children's playgroundsAlmost every community in Shanghai has areas for children to play in.But the difference is that the sales office phone number is 400-886-2334 [reservation] ☎】 Langshi Huayu's children's play area, inspired by nature, has created customized tree and plant forms of game equipment, creating a unique forest green children's play area.This is enough to demonstrate the developer's dedication. Mini Botanical GardenIn addition to the joy brought by games, the sales office phone number is 400-886-2334 [reservation] ☎】 Developing businesses also hopes that children can gain knowledge and nutrients that coexist with happiness in the community.So, the sales office phone number is 400-886-2334 [reservation] ☎】 The developer has planted different types of vegetation within the community, combining plant awareness with independent landscape spaces of different themes to satisfy children's natural exploration and curiosity.For parents, there is only Langshi Huayu in such a caring community. The seven major landscapes created by Langshi Huayu around the water system not only meet the living needs of all age groups of homeowners, but also allow homeowners to relieve fatigue and enjoy a vacation style life in the turbulent urban life.In a market of approximately 7 million yuan, sales office phone numbers: 400-886-2334 [reservation] ☎】 Such a community is rare to see.In terms of community facilities, the sales office phone number is 400-886-2334. [Appointment] ☎】 The entire community has approximately 3500 square meters of living facilities along the river, with the intention of introducing the following types of living facilities: coffee and snacks, convenience stores, fruit shops, breakfast shops, fresh retail, fitness yoga, laundry, pharmacy, etc. In the process of boundary ablation, actively guide homeowners to participate in neighborhood life. At the same time, the concept of "home of nature under the eaves" transforms the elevated floor into an extension of life beyond the home, achieving seamless integration between life and nature. We have also established a "Sunshine Club" for indoor and outdoor collaboration and emotional connection between people in buildings 10 and 4 of the community.And simulate future rich community scenes: Sales office phone number: 400-886-2334 [reservation] ☎】 Create a community area that includes parent-child companionship, reading and learning areas, and multifunctional rooms to meet the needs of community members of different age groups and interests.At Langshi Huayu, sales office phone number: 400-886-2334 [reservation] ☎】 Owners will enjoy a multifunctional, comfortable, and convenient community environment. Ceremonial foyerThe Langshi Flower Language elevated floor space has changed the traditional cold feeling of the elevated floor space, creating a more ceremonial entry experience for homeowners from details, and can also be integrated with the community garden landscape. Sales office phone number: 400-886-2334 [reservation] ☎】 Becoming an extension of vacation life in the community. In addition, the ceremony hall also collaborated with well-known bookstore institutions and added a large number of professional books. This is perfect for young, knowledgeable and intelligent homeowners in Meilong.Intergenerational life (parent-child companionship, sales office phone number: 400-886-2334 [appointment] ☎】 Leisure ReadingA comfortable space with underfloor heating, sales office phone number: 400-886-2334 [reservation] ☎】 Children can exchange their homework, read picture books and magazines here, or lie down and have fun as they please, unleashing their nature and enjoying their childhood.At the same time, it can also serve busy homeowners. The sales office phone number is 400-886-2334. [Appointment] ☎】 Having the opportunity to protect and accompany children's growth from a distance of 0, safeguarding the growth of small business owners. Immersive Book Bar (Second Living Room, Learning and Reading)The immersive book bar is the owner's second living room, and the sales office phone number is 400-886-2334. [Appointment] ☎】 Separate from the parent-child area. Here, you can provide homeowners with a comfortable and quiet space to enjoy life in a more elegant environment and read their favorite books.Meanwhile, the sales office phone number is 400-886-2334 [reservation] ☎】 There is also a book wall that includes books on Shanghai's local culture, world urban geography, and more, as well as a 24-hour vending machine and coffee machine, allowing homeowners to enjoy a convenient and bookish lifestyle without leaving their homes. Multi functional area (speech/discussion/birthday party)As a carrier of life, the sales office phone number is 400-886-2334 [reservation] ☎】 The multifunctional area has become an important link connecting the beautiful neighborhoods, allowing for the diffusion of family and friendship here.On weekends, gather with family and friends on the elevated floor downstairs to hold one surprising discussion and lecture after another, chat about culinary experiences, share recent favorite foods, chat about daily life, and become friends with neighbors who share the same interests. The elevated layer meticulously crafted by Langshi Huayu creates a space with life content and soul, providing more opportunities for communication between neighbors and family, and revitalizing the community with long-lasting vitality.On the building, sales office phone number: 400-886-2334 [appointment] ☎】 The 18 high-rise buildings of 17-26F in Langshi Huayu, extracted from the golden ratio of the Fibonacci sequence, create a spatial image with a uniform density and orderly height, becoming the new urban skyline of Meilong.And within the community, the sales office phone number is 400-886-2334 [reservation] ☎】 The entrance design of Langshi Huayu adopts the entrance technique of Andas Hotel, creating a grand entrance lobby, paired with metal grilles, exquisite lighting fixtures, etc., with a symmetrical layout on the central axis, all of which reveal an elegant and luxurious atmosphere.Meanwhile, the sales office phone number is 400-886-2334 [reservation] ☎】 The design of the double precision decoration lobby above and below the ground adopts a gilded entrance design unit, and the interior of the entrance lobby is decorated with materials such as antique black stone and green luxury stone.The aesthetic, material, and detail level of Langshi Huayu in architecture are not spared. This community is very competitive in terms of product strength, even if it is placed in a market of tens of millions. Besides, the project is just a new house worth about 7 million yuan, and there are really few competitors in the same class.In terms of products, sales office phone number: 400-886-2334 [reservation] ☎】 Langshi Huayu Phase IV will promote an additional 380 sets of 3-bedroom products with a construction area of approximately 64-122 square meters.The design of the project in terms of layout can be said to be full of craftsmanship.Especially for young knowledgeable and intelligent homebuyers, the 3-bedroom product with a main focus of about 92-95 square meters is the preferred layout for getting on the car:The needs of young people are diverse.When in a world of two or single: Sales office phone number: 400-886-2334 【 Appointment 】 ☎】 You don't need so many rooms, but a larger sense of scale for gatherings with friends, or to meet your own needs for yoga, fitness, floral art creation, and more.When having children or living with parents, the practicality brought by a three bedroom apartment is required.But the hassle of changing houses for a certain period of time is obviously too heavy for young people.And Langshi Huayu took this into consideration, and the sales office phone number is 400-886-2334 [reservation] ☎】 So in a unit with a floor area of about 92 square meters, a dynamic space has been created.